Governance for Enterprise Mobility in Healthcare – Empowering Caregivers with Information

It is almost universally accepted that properly utilizing enterprise mobility in healthcare will lead to more efficient operations, cost reductions, and better outcomes. What is not clear to most organizations is how to effectively roll out an enterprise wide mobility strategy. With the unique challenges around data security in healthcare how do you effectively get the right information to the right caregiver or employee in a timely and secure manner?

There are many questions to ask before you can even begin to implement a good strategy. A few of which are:

  • Will you embrace a BYOD model, standardize on a device, or utilize a hybrid model?
  • What data does each caregiver or support staff need and what is the best method to deliver that data?
  • How do we manage security within our mobility strategy?
  • Is our network infrastructure capable of handling our mobility needs?

The challenge with these questions is that they are not all technical or cut and dried in nature. For instance, doctors almost certainly would prefer a BYOD strategy as they have their favorite devices and may need to have access to data when they are off premises. Nurses and support staff may not want to utilize their own devices in for a variety of reasons – hospitals are a chaotic environment where damage to devices is very common- and generally do not need information when they are off the clock. Political issues must be sorted out before you can even begin to look at the technical, practical, and security aspects of enterprise mobility.

In a previous blog Governance for Big Data I wrote about the need for Governance in Big Data due to the massive amount of data healthcare organizations have at their fingertips. Once you have a grasp on what data can impact care and efficiency and have chosen a device strategy then you must move on to the challenge of deciding what data to send to your staff. Caregivers are extremely busy, and alert/data overload can severely degrade the effectiveness of those Big Data initiatives that organizations have spent countless hours and dollars implementing.

These issues are immense, but they are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to implementing a comprehensive enterprise mobility platform within your organization. The answer to how to successfully implement an enterprise mobility platform is through complete Governance. A 360 degree view of your enterprise mobility initiatives is an essential step in ensuring your data is protected, gets to the proper personnel, and is pertinent in improving patient care.

RoundWorld Solutions has extensive expertise in Governance for Enterprise Mobility in the healthcare industry. We will engage with your entire organization to frame the right questions, navigate the political landscape, and provide the proper technical expertise to provide answers and specific guidelines to establish the process and procedure to leverage enterprise mobility to improve patient care.

You can find more information on our 2 week assessment

If you would like to discuss the Roundworld Solutions Big Data 360 View Tool, or this article please contact the author Arun Kumar – Vice President, Solutions and Delivery at or contact us today.